Country | latitude | longitude | name | |
0 | AD | 42.546245 | 1.601554 | Andorra |
1 | AE | 23.424076 | 53.847818 | United Arab Emirates |
2 | AF | 33.939110 | 67.709953 | Afghanistan |
3 | AG | 17.060816 | -61.796428 | Antigua and Barbuda |
4 | AI | 18.220554 | -63.068615 | Anguilla |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
240 | YE | 15.552727 | 48.516388 | Yemen |
241 | YT | -12.827500 | 45.166244 | Mayotte |
242 | ZA | -30.559482 | 22.937506 | South Africa |
243 | ZM | -13.133897 | 27.849332 | Zambia |
244 | ZW | -19.015438 | 29.154857 | Zimbabwe |
245 rows × 4 columns
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